I discovered these icicles on my way out to the mailbox this morning on one of the 3 over-sized bushes right outside our front door. The weight of the snow has kind of split them both in half; I'm glad, I hate those things. They completely hide what little of a front-of-the-house we have. I'd LOVE to recycle them this spring/summer and plant a bed of flowers. You should see it - the whole side of our garage leading up to the porch then across our only south-facing window is
all evergreen-bush crap. Getting permission to do that (along with 1 or 2 other things we'd like to do to improve our house) I guarantee will be nearly impossible. I've been waiting for a storm-door for over 6 months! The worst part is is that they have one but seem to refuse to, at the very least, drop it off for us to install.
Hah, well, sorry about that. I just know Kyle and I have the ability and motivation to essentially add value to this house and make it
our home.
Day 43, February 12th, 2010.
thanks for viewing.
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