Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan. 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th

Photo unload.

Day 10, January 10th, 2010.

Day 11, January 11th, 2010.

Okay, it appears that my camera averted to .nef in place of .jpg. Minor inconvenience, I shall amend this and finish at a later hour.

come back to view.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Yesterday (Sunday): Literally out (asleep) with a migraine all day minus mass (during which my head still throbbed).

Today (Monday): Lazy, honestly. Edit: Oh! I took down all the indoor Christmas decorations. So not completely lazy, but mostly so.

Tomorrow (Tuesday): WILL update with three photos. Pretty sure I'll be heading to Plainfield, pretty sure there will be something to be seen.

"What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?" -Mr. Krabs (yes, from Sponebob)

Tomorrow will make up for yesterday and today.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan. 9th

A day late, I know. But I certainly took the photo last night during our Christmas taco bar in January get-together. I knew I'd earn some serious brownie points with an offering of banana bread.

Day 9, January 9th, 2010.

Even after forgetting the vanilla during the mixing process last week, it still turned out really well. I sent the rest home with fellow banana-lover, Amy.

thanks for viewing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan. 8th

Over a full week of January already. Classes start Monday (and Thursday). Soaking up my last bits of free time.

Day 8, January 8th, 2010.

Kyle's Kindle cover via macro lens.

thanks for viewing.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan. 7th

I LOVE snow. Don't you? Probably not - most people around here hate it. But I think it's great!

I sat on the front porch for a few minutes this morning with my camera watching the snow whirl around, go from big and fluffy to light and delicate, and go from falling straight down to blowing sideways to floating down aimlessly. The most beautiful precipitation.

Day 7, January 7th, 2010.

Yeah, there's three today. I can make my own rules. Just couldn't decide!

thanks for viewing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan. 6th

Well, today was a weird day. My contemplations regarding certain activities involving myself and a considerably low benefit took a dramatic turn. Once again, I find myself asking God for some much needed guidance because, once again, I am at a complete loss.

That being said, please disregard today's shot. It's 7:45pm and I took it about 15 minutes ago. through our back door. it's our back yard.

Day 6, January 6th, 2010.

I promise, once I get my shtuff together, it'll show. Internet and in-person.

thanks for viewing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jan. 5th

Today I learned that I have way more to learn about my camera than I realized. It is so different from my Minolta, the camera I am far more used to (2004 Christmas gift from my love, Kyle). That being said, today's shot was difficult in pleasing me. Regardless, here's what I have:

Day 5, January 5th, 2010.

I just love the Christmas season and am saddened that it comes to an end after Sunday, the baptism of our Lord. We have one last Christmas yet that will include a taco bar. love.

thanks for viewing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan. 4th

Well, after spending 2 1/2 weeks with annoying sinus problems and 5 of those days on a Z-pack, I slept until 1:15pm today and am starting to feel better. Still sound weird (m=b) when I talk, but at least most of the pain has subsided. Also, I finally found a design/layout I like. It's what you're looking at.

Today's photo is the start of a favor to Kyle for his book. Yes, book. Good or not, here it is.

Day 4, January 4, 2010.

thanks for viewing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan. 3rd

I'm coughing so much today that it gives me headaches, increases previously obtained headaches, and taking naps in order to snuff said coughing. Today's photo sums up the last 48-60 hours.

Day 3, January 3rd, 2010.

It is my hope that all those out there sick feel better soon.

thanks for viewing.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jan. 2nd

Please forgive the current state of the design - I can't stand it and am trying diligently to figure out how to make it look tolerable if not to my liking.

Day 2, January 2nd, 2010:

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan. 1st

Happy New Year! Instead of making the resolution that I never keep, I'm going to make a daily goal of using my new [dream] camera and posting my finds. Regardless of whether anyone besides my husband, Kyle, and possibly my mother, looks and reads, I'm putting myself out there. [I'm] Timid and vulnerable and most of all an introvert; be kind with your criticism, please. :)

Day 1: January 1st, 2010.

This sums up our New Year's celebration at home with our close friend, Allison. Mt. Dew Throwback, raspberry champagne, and a couple of tons of foods (not shown).

thanks for viewing.